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FastPaginate snippet


classNamemodResourceThe name of the class (default is modResource).
fields*A comma-separated list of fields to retrieve; * retrieves all fields.
where[]An array of conditions to filter the results.
limit10The maximum number of records to return.
offset0The number of records to skip before starting to return results.
sortbyidThe field by which to sort the results (default is id).
sortdirascThe direction of sorting; can be asc for ascending or desc for descending.
wrapper#fastpaginateThe wrapper selector used to encapsulate the output (default is #fastpaginate).
outputSeparator\nThe string used to separate output items (default is a newline).
toPlaceholderIf specified, the result will be output to a placeholder instead of being returned directly.
tplThe chunk used to format each item in the output.
url_modegetDetermines how the URL is formed. It can have three options: none (no link is generated), get (URL parameters are added), and url (a standard URL is formed).
path_separator;The character used to separate segments in the URL path (default is ;).
page_namepageThe name of the URL parameter that represents the page number (default is page).
sort_namesortThe name of the URL parameter used for sorting (default is sort).
cachefalseIndicates whether to enable caching of results (true or false).
cacheTime3600The duration (in seconds) for which the cache is valid (default is 3600 seconds, or 1 hour).
show.loadmore0A flag indicating whether to show the "Load More" button (1 for yes, 0 for no).
pls.loadmorepls.loadmoreThe placeholder string used for the "Load More" button text.
tpl.loadmorefp.btn.loadmoreThe chunk used to format the "Load More" button.
classes.loadmoreAdditional CSS classes to apply to the "Load More" button for styling.
show.pagination1A flag indicating whether to display pagination controls (1 for yes, 0 for no).
pls.paginationpls.paginationThe placeholder string used for the pagination text.
tpl.paginationfp.paginationThe chunk used to format the pagination controls.
tpl.pagination.directionfp.pagination.directionThe chunk used to format the pagination direction controls (e.g., previous/next).
tpl.pagination.linkfp.pagination.linkThe chunk used to format individual pagination links.
pls.totalpls.totalThe placeholder string used to display the total number of items.


.fp-itemsWrapper for displaying the results.
.fp-sortElement for sorting the results.
.fp-filtersContainer for filtering options.
.fp-filters.fp-filters-changeApplies filtering immediately upon input change .
.fp-loadmoreWrapper for the "Load More" button.
.fp-paginationWrapper for pagination controls.
.fp-loadingAdds a loading class to the wrapper while data is being fetched.


Output of resources:

{'!FastPaginate'|snippet: [
   'where' => [
        'published' => 1,
        'parent' => 2,
    'tpl' => 'tpl.resource',     


[[+id]]. [[+pagetitle]]

Output of PageBlocks table

{'!FastPaginate'|snippet: [
    'className' => 'pbTableValue',
    // Output only the necessary fields
    'fields' => 'id,pagetitle,price,categories,brand,size,color,rating',
    'tpl' => 'card',
    'limit' => 16,
    'show.loadmore' => 1, // Show the "Load More" button
	'show.pagination' => 1, // Show pagination
	'toPlaceholder' => 'pls.fastpaginate',
    'where' => [
        'published' => 1,
        'collection_id' => 1,
<section class="section" id="fastpaginate">
	<div class="container">
		<div class="fp-header d-flex ai-center jc-between">
			<div class="fp-info">
					<span class="fp-total">
                        {''|placeholder|number : 0 : '.' : ' '}
				<div class="fp-tags"></div>
			<div class="custom-select-wrapper">
                <!-- SORT -->
				<select name="sort" class="fp-sort custom-select">
					<option value="id-asc" selected>Oldest first</option>
					<option value="id-desc">Newest first</option>
					<option value="price-asc">From cheap to expensive</option>
					<option value="price-desc">From expensive to cheap</option>
		<div class="fp-filter d-flex flex-column">
			<!-- Filters. Created manually. -->
			{insert 'file:chunks/fp.filters.tpl'}
		<div class="fp-content d-flex flex-column">
			<!-- RESULTS -->
			<div class="fp-items d-flex">
			<!-- Load More button -->
			<div class="fp-loadmore d-flex js-center">
			<!-- Pagination -->
            <div class="fp-pagination">