FastPaginate snippet
Name | Default | Description |
className | modResource | The name of the class (default is modResource ). |
fields | * | A comma-separated list of fields to retrieve; * retrieves all fields. |
where | [] | An array of conditions to filter the results. |
limit | 10 | The maximum number of records to return. |
offset | 0 | The number of records to skip before starting to return results. |
sortby | id | The field by which to sort the results (default is id ). |
sortdir | asc | The direction of sorting; can be asc for ascending or desc for descending. |
wrapper | #fastpaginate | The wrapper selector used to encapsulate the output (default is #fastpaginate ). |
outputSeparator | \n | The string used to separate output items (default is a newline). |
toPlaceholder | If specified, the result will be output to a placeholder instead of being returned directly. | |
tpl | The chunk used to format each item in the output. | |
--- | --- | --- |
url_mode | get | Determines how the URL is formed. It can have three options: none (no link is generated), get (URL parameters are added), and url (a standard URL is formed). |
path_separator | ; | The character used to separate segments in the URL path (default is ; ). |
page_name | page | The name of the URL parameter that represents the page number (default is page ). |
sort_name | sort | The name of the URL parameter used for sorting (default is sort ). |
cache | false | Indicates whether to enable caching of results (true or false ). |
cacheTime | 3600 | The duration (in seconds) for which the cache is valid (default is 3600 seconds, or 1 hour). |
--- | --- | --- |
show.loadmore | 0 | A flag indicating whether to show the "Load More" button (1 for yes, 0 for no). |
pls.loadmore | pls.loadmore | The placeholder string used for the "Load More" button text. |
tpl.loadmore | fp.btn.loadmore | The chunk used to format the "Load More" button. |
classes.loadmore | Additional CSS classes to apply to the "Load More" button for styling. | |
--- | --- | --- |
show.pagination | 1 | A flag indicating whether to display pagination controls (1 for yes, 0 for no). |
pls.pagination | pls.pagination | The placeholder string used for the pagination text. |
tpl.pagination | fp.pagination | The chunk used to format the pagination controls. |
tpl.pagination.direction | fp.pagination.direction | The chunk used to format the pagination direction controls (e.g., previous/next). | | | The chunk used to format individual pagination links. |
--- | --- | --- | | | The placeholder string used to display the total number of items. |
Selector | Description |
.fp-items | Wrapper for displaying the results. |
.fp-sort | Element for sorting the results. |
.fp-filters | Container for filtering options. |
.fp-filters.fp-filters-change | Applies filtering immediately upon input change . |
.fp-loadmore | Wrapper for the "Load More" button. |
.fp-pagination | Wrapper for pagination controls. |
.fp-loading | Adds a loading class to the wrapper while data is being fetched. |
Output of resources:
{'!FastPaginate'|snippet: [
'where' => [
'published' => 1,
'parent' => 2,
'tpl' => 'tpl.resource',
[[+id]]. [[+pagetitle]]
Output of PageBlocks table
{'!FastPaginate'|snippet: [
'className' => 'pbTableValue',
// Output only the necessary fields
'fields' => 'id,pagetitle,price,categories,brand,size,color,rating',
'tpl' => 'card',
'limit' => 16,
'show.loadmore' => 1, // Show the "Load More" button
'show.pagination' => 1, // Show pagination
'toPlaceholder' => 'pls.fastpaginate',
'where' => [
'published' => 1,
'collection_id' => 1,
<section class="section" id="fastpaginate">
<div class="container">
<div class="fp-header d-flex ai-center jc-between">
<div class="fp-info">
<span class="fp-total">
{''|placeholder|number : 0 : '.' : ' '}
<div class="fp-tags"></div>
<div class="custom-select-wrapper">
<!-- SORT -->
<select name="sort" class="fp-sort custom-select">
<option value="id-asc" selected>Oldest first</option>
<option value="id-desc">Newest first</option>
<option value="price-asc">From cheap to expensive</option>
<option value="price-desc">From expensive to cheap</option>
<div class="fp-filter d-flex flex-column">
<!-- Filters. Created manually. -->
{insert 'file:chunks/fp.filters.tpl'}
<div class="fp-content d-flex flex-column">
<!-- RESULTS -->
<div class="fp-items d-flex">
<!-- Load More button -->
<div class="fp-loadmore d-flex js-center">
<!-- Pagination -->
<div class="fp-pagination">